The Loss of Great Basketball coaching and fashion
Coach Stacy Johnson-Klein has been the greatest star around here. She may become too much for Fresno State to handle. Let's just say her beauty and stardom seem to collide with the educational, economic and community vision of the Fresno State Dogs.
Stacy Johnson-Klein has more presence than Fresno State president, Mr. Welty. She has glamour which attracts local business men and advertisers. She is on most local billboards marketing Eye-Q Vision, Buick and other products. Now Fresno State said she has violated some NCAA policies. This is the local drama for days. Yesterday, her little sister got on the media to clear up her big sister.
Mrs. Johnson-Klein is not a regular coach wearing tennis shoes and grandma's outfits. She loves fashion. The brighter and more elegant the dresses are, the better. "I want to attract attention to the Basketball program," she said. It appears that the guys on the basketball program don't like her appearance. She eclipsed them all. Now she was not allways like this. She grew up poor in Oklahoma. She was sexually abused by a family member. She is a sexual survivor. As a mother of two kids, she has to provide for her family. If it takes her to use her great beauty to sell products and have a radio show just like most coaches do, she will do it. "I am promoting the basketball program," she said. "I am not in this for myself. I am in it for the team."
Today, Stacy Johnson-Klein has to appear before a committee headed by Mr. Welty and the University's sport program directors who will determine her fate.
Voice your opinions if you are with the coach. Now remember that she has already asked for forgiveness from her players. She said she was not an angel in her interaction with them. It appears she contacted the team against the will of the program's directives. Welty did not not want her to talk. Stacy is not taking it lying down. She is fighting back. They will also talk about her sexual harassment complaints.
Will the coach's attire be an issue today? Come on guys, give the lady a break. She is not taking anything away from the basketball program. Did you want a drabby type of coach standing on the side? Let her wear her high heals!
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